Blue Prism Interview Questions and Answers

In this article on Blue Prism Interview Questions, We will be discussing the top Blue Prism-related questions asked in your interviews.

Blue Prism Interview Questions

Q-1) What is Robotic Process Automation?


Robotic process automation (RPA) is a software technology that makes it easy to build, deploy, and manage software robots that emulate human actions interacting with digital systems and software.

Just like people, software robots can do things like understanding what’s on a screen, completing the right keystrokes, navigating systems, identifying and extracting data, and performing a wide range of defined actions. But software robots can do it faster as well as more consistently than people, without the need to get up and stretch or take a coffee break.

    In simple words, It is nothing but the process of automating tasks with the help of software/tools to deploy bots which will reduce the involvement of humans to perform any task is said to be Robotic Process Automation.

 Q-2) What are the business benefits of RPA?**one of frequently asked Blue Prism interview questions


  • Robotic process automation streamlines workflows, which makes organizations more profitable, flexible, and responsive.
  • It also increases employee satisfaction, engagement, and productivity by removing mundane tasks from their workdays.
  • RPA is noninvasive and can be rapidly implemented to accelerate digital transformation. And it’s ideal for automating workflows that involve legacy systems that lack APIs, virtual desktop infrastructures (VDIs), or database access. 

Q-3) What are the various stages of the RPA life cycle?


Various stages of RPA life cycles are: 1) Discovery phase, 2) solution design phase, 3) development phase, 4) user acceptance tests, 5) development and maintenance phase, and 6) execute bots.

  • Discovery Phase – As the name suggests, in this phase, the requirements of the client are analyzed to decide whether the process can be automated or not. After that, the complexity of the process is analyzed along with the benefits.
  • Solution Design Phase – The solution or the steps to automate a task is designed in this phase.  Apart from the basic requirements, a few other requirements for the project such as Budget, Time to be spent, the number of people working on the project are decided. Then an Object Model Diagram or a Flowchart is created to understand the flow of the process.
  • Development Phase – The Development Phase is the phase wherein the Automation Developer creates Automation Scripts in the chosen RPA Tool.  Depending on the task to be automated or the kind of automation required, there may or may not be coding required.
  • UAT(User Acceptance Tests) – In this phase of the RPA lifecycle, the developed bot is tested either by the Testing team or the Development team itself. The bot is tested in the pre-production environment to test how the users can use this bot to automate a specific task.
  • Deployment & Maintenance Phase – After developing and testing a bot, the bot is deployed into the production environment. 
  • Execute Bots – In this stage, the bots are executed and thereafter checked to generate meaningful results.
Q-4) What are the different features of RPA?

Answer: The features of RPA are as follows:

  • Accurate: RPA Bots works accurately and are less prone to errors and work with high precision and uniformity.
  • Cost Cutting Technology: RPA aims to reduce the manual workforce (FTE’s) and thus reduces the cost used to perform any task.
  • Productivity Rate: The execution time to perform any task is much faster when compared to the manual approach.
  • Reliable Software: This software is reliable, as bots can work for 24 X 7 hours without a break, with the same efficiency.
  • Consistent: The RPA tools are built in such a way that, all the repetitive tasks are performed in the same manner.
  • No/Less Coding Required: RPA tools require very less coding knowledge. Can use C#, VB language if required.
Q-5) What are the differences between RPA and Selenium?       


Selenium helps to automate browser applicationsRPA helps to automate business processes
The task of Selenium is performed on the current browser page.The task of RPA is performed at the backend of the Process.
The major component, which is used in Selenium, is Selenium Web Drivers.The major component, which is used in Selenium, is RPA bots.
Its life cycle is relatively difficult.Its life cycle is simple.
It requires programming knowledge.It does not require programming knowledge.

Q-6)  List out various available RPA tools used in the market?

  • Pega Openspan
  • UI Path
  • BluePrism
  • Automation Anywhere
Q-7) What is the difference between thick and thin clients?
Thick clientThin client
It is an application that we cannot get the quality properties while spying using any RPA tool.It is an application that we cannot get the quality properties while spying using any RPA tool
Example: Calculator, Internet ExplorerExample: Any virtual environment

Q-8) What are the various features of Blue Prism?**one of frequently asked Blue Prism interview questions

Answer: The features of Blue Prism are:

  • Secure, scalable, and central management of a virtual workforce of computer software robots
  • Complete automation solution that results in work distribution and queue management
  • Blue prism has many robust features like load balancing, encryption, and audit. It also offers robots that are defined and managed centrally.
  • Blue Prism comes with various types of spying modes for different application types.
  • It has many improved features to configure dashboards.
  • Exception stages can be set to save a screen capture.
  • You can automate Excel, XML, CSV, pdf, image, etc.

Q-9) What are the best coding practices in Blue Prism?**one of frequently asked Blue Prism interview questions


  • Use Blue Prism Template to create Process or Object
  • Make reusable objects (Login, Logout, etc.)
  • Do not store credentials in environment variables ,use credentials manager for the same.
  • Make generic pages (Process / Objects) for re-use. Example (Retry flow, etc.).
  • Make sure if logs are disabled for all stages or if needed enabled it in case of errors only.
  • In Object: Check if each page has “Attach” functionality.
  • All the wait stages should be element waits / arbitrary waits should not exist ideally.
  • Throw an exception on time out.
  • System exception / business exception should be handled properly and if needed email should sent to respective team.
  • Create proper email format.
  • Write Specific exception where ever necessary and no generic exception for an entire flow, which results in throwing a generic exception which cannot be tracked /Understood by the end user.
  • Make sure that stage / action is named appropriately (Code should not have “Recover2”/ “exception3”/ “Navigate”/” Search”) such generic keywords.
  • Business Exceptions should not be retried.
  • Business decision should be handled in Process layer.
  • Exception handling should be included in the main process so that when an exception occurs in an object, it bubbles up to the process and throws the exception.
  • Create global data items in initialize page in Objects / main page in process.
  • Information passing areas like one page to another pages / process to object / Start and End Stage.
  • Make use of Work queue concepts wherever needed.
  • If same system exception occurs more than cut off number then send notification to respective team and terminate the process.
  • Don’t maintain any static data in data item / collection, instead use excel file.


Q-10) What are the main components in Blue Prism? **one of frequently asked Blue Prism interview questions


Blue Prism comes with various tools, libraries, and run time environments to enable the users to automate tasks.  Out of all of them, there are two components in Blue Prism:

  • Process Studio – Process Studio is the area in which the Process Diagrams are created. This component of Blue Prism offers features such as business logic, object call, control loops, and variables. Each and every process created has the Main Page which gets executed first.
  • Object Studio – Object Studio is the area where Visual Business Objects (VBO) are created. This object communicates with external applications to automate tasks. These are nothing but diagrammatic programs interacting with external applications that perform operations. One Business Object provides an interface with only one external application.

Q-11) What is the control room?


  • Control room is the place where you can monitor different bots, Can start , stop any BOT.
  • Also we can monitor the different queues, where you can see the status of existing queue items (Pending, Locked, Completed, and Exception).
  • Also we can force retry any exception queue item, and also defer pending items.

Q-12) What is the Application Modeller?

Answer: It is used to interact with the applications. Through this, you can configure only one Application.

Q-13) What are the stages available in object studio that is not available in process studio? **one of frequently asked Blue Prism interview questions


  • Navigate stage
  • Read stage
  • Write stage
  • Code stage
  • Wait

Q-14) List out available modes for object spying

Answer: Modes for object spying are:

  • Region mode
  • HTML mode
  • Accessibility mode
  • UI (User Interface) automation mode
  • WIN32 mode

Q-15) List different types of data items

Answer: Various types of data items are:

  • Date
  • Date Time
  • Text
  • Image
  • Password
  • Binary
  • Time
  • Number
  • Flag
  • Timespan.

Q-16) How will you access a single variable in all pages in a process/object?

Answer:    Uncheck Hide from other pages. (Making it Global)

Q-17) What is SDD?

Answer: SDD (Solution Design Document) is used to describe the Blue Prism automation process, which is derived in the Process Definition Document (PDD).

Q-18) What is OID?

Answer: OID stands for Operational Impact Document. It is used to inform the client operation team what is needed for change after occurring of the automation solution. OID is a description of the change that occurs after the successful implementation of the solution.

Q-19) What is PDI?

Answer: PDI stands for Process Design Instruction. It is a blueprint that helps blue prism developers to make the development process clear and easy to understand.

Q-20) What are the two ways to expose data items?

Answer: Two ways to expose data items are:

  • Session variable
  • Environment variable

Q-21) What is the session variable? **one of frequently asked Blue Prism interview questions


  • The session variable is a type of exposure in data item value can be changed during runtime. Session variables are those variables, which are applicable to sessions like running processes.
  • On running processes, Session variables are very specific. If two instances of processes are running at the same instance of time, both these instances will have the same session variables with different values.
  • There is no need to set up the Session variables in the System Manager, but in the Control Room, you can see and modify the Session variables. Also, all the data Items are writable and exposed as Session variables.

Q-22) What is the environment variable?


The environment variable is a type of exposure in data items in which data item value is easily changed without using the processor object. It is available in the system tab under the process section.

Q-23) Where will you declare session and environment variables? 


  • Session variable is declared inside the process or object by selecting the exposure to session.
  • Environment variable is declared in system outside any process or object and once declared, need to select the exposure to environment and select from the drop down available in name of the data item.

Q-24) What are startup parameters or input parameters?


Startup Parameters are the parameters that can be passed before executing processes from the control room.

Q-25) Why initialize and clean up in object studio is necessary?


Initialize and cleanup are conditions that can be executed at the start and end of the object. They cannot be called using any action because they will run automatically when an object is called.

Q-26) What are the disadvantages of surface automation?

 Answer: The disadvantages of surface automation are:

  • Surface automation uses screen coordinates to click on objects. Therefore its accuracy is very low.
  • If the target application is not active, there is a high chance that global keys pass the values to the wrong application.

Q-27) What is the use of the scheduler?


The scheduler is used to schedule the robot process that depends on the availability of input.

Q-28) What is the use of the recover stage in Blue Prism?**one of frequently asked Blue Prism interview questions


  • The recover stage catches the exception. It gives the user a chance to create different types of recovery sequences.
  • Once the exception is caught, the business object or the Process is called in the recovery mode. It implies that the exception is live.

Q-29) What is the use of dynamic match type?


The Dynamic Match Type enables the user to identify the value of an attribute from the diagram.

Q-30) What are Tags and how we can use them in Blue Prism Queues?


Tags are keywords of terms assigned to the work queue items. These tags are used when you want to retrieve the next item from the work queue. You can also filter the items to be retrieved in the presence or absence of a specific tag and by giving appropriate arguments to the Tag Filter input parameter of the Get Next item action. Multiple tags can be used by using semi-colons. 


“+Work Type1;+Student Type2;-Work Type2”

Here, the next item will have Work Type1 and Student Typ2 tags and will not have Work Type2 tags will be returned.

Q-31) What are Multiple-Part Processes?


  • Multiple-Part processes are used in a scenario where a case needs to be worked in multiple parts at different items. It has a parent-child relationship where individual work queues items should be linked to one request.
  • This can also be used where work is driven from an external system rather than from the Blue Prism work queue.
  • Not only this, but the Multiple-part processes can be used where the requests are added throughout a day and must be executed in the service-level agreement period.

Q-32) Explain the Attach option in Blue Prism.**one of frequently asked Blue Prism interview questions


  • The Attach option is used to identify which application is being used. You need to input the value to help it identify the application. For example: “Window Title” or “Process Name”.

Q-33) Define process template in Blue Prism?


Blue Prism process templates are blueprints that are used as the basis for processes. It ensures that processes are easy to configure and support across all the processes.

Q-34) List different types of security in Blue Prism

Answer: There are three different types of security in the Blue Prism:

  • User: Assigning new user information.
  • Credentials: storing secret information.
  • Options: assigning rules for setting passwords.

Q-35) Explain the usage of dynamic match type?**one of frequently asked Blue Prism interview questions


  • The Dynamic Match Type allows the user to specify the value of an attribute from the diagram rather than use the one present in the Application Modeler.
  • You can understand the Dynamic Match Type, as a mandatory input parameter required by any of the stage using elements.

Q-36) Explain the Attach option in Blue Prism.


The Attach option is used to identify which application is being used. You need to input the value to help it identify the application. For example: “Window Title” or “Process Name”.

Q-37) What are the steps to create a Web service in Blue Prism?


Web service is a client-server application or application component for communication. You can follow the below steps to create a simple calculator process in Blue Prism.

  • Open the Blue Prism Studio and create a web service group. 
  • Then, create a simple object, let us say TestCalc. Also, enter the details of the web service. 
  • Once the object is created, then double-click on the object and open the object studio. Here, click on the Action1 button, and add an action by right-click on the button.
  • Then double click on the Action, and this will navigate the page information where you have to provide the description such as Add two numbers and return the results. After that click on OK.
  • Now since we are trying to Add two numbers. To do this, you need to select the calculation option.  So, to do that double click on the TestCalc1, you will be navigated to the calculation properties. Here, you have to provide the name as: Add two numbers.
  • Then, in the expression field, you have to create two numbers just by clicking on the numbers option. Let us say we create two input numbers Num1, Num2, and an output number Num3.
  • Next, you have to drag the input numbers and drag the output ‘Num3’ in the result. Then, click on the validate button. 
  • After that, click on the evaluate expressions, where you have to enter the value of Num1 and Num2. These will be sorted in temporary values, and then you will find the result value after clicking on the Test button.
  • Next, you have to link the start button where input numbers are given. To add two numbers box, add it to the end where the output number is Num3. 
  • You can then test this diagram by clicking on the Go button, and save the Business object by clicking on the Save button.
  • Finally, you can check the process by clicking the go button if the inputs are given.

Q-38) What is Match Index in Application Modeller? **one of frequently asked Blue Prism interview questions


  • If element needs to be searched from top to bottom then you have to use Match Index and Once the element is found, the Blue Prism will stop searching instead of continuing to search for potential duplicates.
  • It increases the search speed, But this is generally used when duplicate elements are either ignored or are unlikely to be present.
  • Also, if you use the Match Reverse option then this will make Blue Prism search in the bottom-to-up order rather than the top-to-bottom order.

Q-39) What is the importance of preserve checkbox in the blue prism?


  • When you check in the Preserve checkbox, the Exception Type and Exception Details fields are disabled. So, when we check-in the Preserve checkbox, the current exception is to be re-released or thrown again, and no further details are necessary.
  • Due to this, the Preserve checkbox must be used in the Recovery Mode which is between the Recover stage and a Resume stage.
  • Also, if you use the checkbox outside the Recovery mode it will generate an exception.

Q-40) What is a log viewer?

Answer: Log viewer provides a convenient way for both tracking the problem and for reviewing work progress.

Q-41) What are connectors in Blue Prism?

Answer: Connectors in Blue Prism are:

  • Mainframe Connector
  • HTML Connector
  • Windows Connector
  • Citrix Connector
  • Java Connector

Q-42) What is the wildcard match type concept in Blue Prism? **one of frequently asked Blue Prism interview questions

Answer: Wildcard match type enables us to use the value of an attribute from the diagram rather than what is available in the application modeler.

Q-43) What is Status in Blue Prism Queue?

Answer: Each Work Queue item in Blue Prism has a status. It can be used as a method of recording the completed work on a queue item.

Below are the available statuses in Blue Prism

  • Pending
  • Completed
  • Exception
  • Locked

Q-44) Explain Mouse Click and Global Send Keys in Blue Prism

Answer: Global send keys and global mouse click are examples of operations that need an active application.

Q-45) How can you set priority for the work queue?

Answer: Setting the priority for a work queue item is performed at the time when an item is initially added to the queue using queue action.

Q-46) Where Can We Pause A Queue?

Answer: In system manager, we have the “Pause Queue” option in queue details

Q-47) What is the use of the resume Queue function?

Answer: The resume function reactivates temporarily paused queues. Therefore, it will not release any item.

Q-48) What is the Active Accessibility interface in Blue Prism? 


  • The Active Accessibility interface can be much slower than the default Win32 interface. The Match Index and Match Reverse (explained in a later section) can be used to provide a significant performance improvement.
  • When using Active Accessibility, multiple matches can be found even though the element seems to be unique. This is because elements may exist even when they are not displayed. Checking the Invisible attribute (which will be set to False) ensures that only elements currently on the screen will be matched.

Q-49) What is Mark Exception? 


The Mark Exception action has flag inputs called Retry and Keep Locked for controlling this feature. If a new item is created, its ID will return in the New Item ID output parameter, and if Keep Locked was set to True, the process will have control of the new item.

Q-50) What is the write stage? 


As the name suggests, one can use the Write stage to put values into elements and the properties form is laid out with a list of Data Items on the left and the elements on the right. The middle section is where we indicate which values want we want to go into which elements.

Q-51) How to publish a process to the control room? 


We can Publish the Process in the control room by opening the process information box in the main page and checking the box “Publish this Process to Control Room”

Q-52) What is Release Manager in Blue Prism? 


Blue Prism provides the Release Manager which allows users to create checklists known as Packages. At various stages during the development cycle, a Release can be exported using the checklist provided in the Package. the file extension will be .bprelease.

Q-53) What are the types of debugging techniques available in blue prism? 


  • Step – It executes each and every stage. If it encounters a page, process or an action, it enters inside and executes.
    • Step Over – It executes each and every stage. If it encounters a page, process or an action, it does not enter inside but still executes over the page.
    • Step Out – It executes everything that is available on the current page.

Q-54) Why do we use the Wait stage in Blue Prism? 


  • The Wait stage is used to absorb the system latency and make sure that the process is going through the correct path. Typically, the wait in the starting of any action confirms the correctness of path and results in increased process resilience. The default timeout in the Wait stage is 5 seconds. The process will wait before performing an action until the timeout that the user has specified for the Wait stage upon running the object has passed.

Q-55) What is the main difference between Match Index and Match Reverse options in Blue Prism? **one of frequently asked Blue Prism interview questions


The Match Index option is used when we want to search for an element in top-to-bottom order. Besides, the Match Reverse option is used when we want to search for an element in the bottom-to-top order. Once the element is found, the search will be stopped instantly, and all the further duplicates will be ignored.

Q-56) What is an exclusive process? 


An exclusive Process must run on its own and cannot run at the same time as any other Process. A foreground Process can only run alongside other background Processes, but only one foreground Process can run at a time. A background Process can run alongside other Processes, as long as they are background or foreground Processes.

Q-57) How can a safe stop be configured? 


Within the Decision stage, the use of IsStopRequest(), an inbuilt Environment function, can help to configure a safe stop in the process.

Q-58) By default what pages are there in Business objects? 


Business objects have two default pages named Initialize and Cleanup, and these pages cannot be removed or published.

Q-59) How can you run more than one instance of a process? 


This can be done by removing the file accessing sequence from the process and putting it in a separate process that will run on a single machine and another method is to use the Environment Locking feature of Blue Prism to control the access to the file.

Q-60) In Blue Prism, Exception functions like ExceptionDetail() and ExceptionType() cannot be used in Recovery Mode. Is it true or false? 

Answer: True.

Q-61) What is environmental locking? **one of frequently asked Blue Prism interview questions


This is a feature that prevents multiple bots from accessing the same path of a process. A token is generated in environmental locking which allows only one bot to access.

Q-62) What is the Retry input parameter in Blue Prism? 


The Retry input parameter of the Mark Exception action in the Internal – Work Queues Business Object can then be used to override Max Attempts. When Retry is True then the queue will generate another attempt if the limit of Max Attempts has not been reached. But when Retry is False then it will override Max Attempts and prevent any further attempts regardless of the number of retries available.

Q-63) What is the format of file import/export from/to blue prism?

Answer: XML

Q-64) How many Start and End stages will be there in each page of the process/object studio?**one of frequently asked Blue Prism interview questions


Start – Only one and End Stages – Many (Depends on the design of the process)

Q-65) What is the Exception Bubbling?


The Bubbling up of the Error from the Lower end towards the Layers of solution and handle the Error is called Exception Bubbling.

Q-66) Difference Between Resume and recovery?


The recovery stage is used to catch the exception and diffuse the error, resume stage is used for continuing the flow of execution.

Q-67) What is the difference between immediate stop and request stop? **one of frequently asked Blue Prism interview questions


Immediate stop when requested in the control room the process stops exactly on the stage where it is executing currently. Status of the process in control room shows as “Terminated” when request stop is clicked on control room “Is Stop Requested” function becomes true and will stop the process after one complete cycle of execution. The status of the process in the control room shows as “Completed”

Q-68) What is Queue Manager in Blue Prism?


It is used to manage the items in a queue.

Q-69)  How to exit from spy mode in Blue Prism?

**one of frequently asked Blue Prism interview questions


Ctrl+ Right Click

Q-70) What is the Excel Object used in BP?


MS Excel VBO

Q-71)  What Is Defer Queue?


  • We can define specific time to the queue that queue are called defer queue.
  • Defer until is used to freeze those items from being picked up till the time has elapsed.
  • Defer queues are those to which we define defer until.
  • Differ is an input to work queue VBO, When U have different process pick data from queue then differ comes in picture

Q-72) What is region mode?


When working in Citrix-based applications sometimes windows and accessibility will not work that time we go for region mode.    

Q-73) What are the different types of sessions in Blue Prism, and how are they used?


Blue Prism supports three types of sessions: Interactive, Non-Interactive, and Background. Interactive sessions are used for automating processes that require human interaction, Non-Interactive sessions are used for automating processes that do not require human interaction, and Background sessions are used for automating processes that run in the background.

Q-74) How do you configure a database connection in Blue Prism, and what are some common database operations that you might perform in a process?


To configure a database connection in Blue Prism, you would use the Database Configuration utility to specify the connection details, such as the server name, database name, and authentication method. Common database operations that you might perform in a process include inserting, updating, and deleting records, as well as executing stored procedures and SQL queries.

Q-75) Can you explain the concept of loops in Blue Prism, and how do you use them in a process?

Answer: Loops in Blue Prism are used to repeat a set of actions or steps until a specific condition is met. There are several types of loops available in Blue Prism, including the For Each loop, the While loop, and the Do Until loop. To use a loop in a process, you would add the appropriate loop action to the process and configure the loop’s inputs and outputs. For example, a For Each loop could be used to iterate through a list of items and perform the same action on each item, while a While loop could be used to repeat an action until a specific condition is no longer true

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