UIPath Interview Questions

In this article of UiPath interview questions, we will be discussing the top most frequently asked UI Path interview questions for fresher as well as experienced candidates.

UiPath Interview Quesions

Before discussing UIPath Interview questions, lets first discuss about basic RPA interview questions:

Q-1) What is Robotic Automation?

Ans: Robotic automation is a style of automation where a computer mimics a human action.

Q-2) What is RPA?

Ans: Just like people, software robots can do things like understanding what’s on a screen, completing the right keystrokes, navigating systems, identifying and extracting data, and performing a wide range of defined actions. But software robots can do it faster and more consistently than people, without the need to get up and stretch or take a coffee break.

Robotic process automation (RPA) is a software technology that makes it easy to build, deploy, and manage software robots that emulate human actions interacting with digital systems and software.

Robotic Process Automation is the process of automating tasks with the help of software/tools which will reduce the involvement of humans to perform any task.

Q-3) List various stages of the RPA life cycle?

Ans: Various stages of RPA life cycles are: 1) Discovery phase, 2) solution design phase, 3) development phase, 4) user acceptance tests, 5) development and maintenance phase, and 6) execute bots.

  • Discovery Phase – As the name suggests, in this phase, the requirements of the client are analyzed to decide whether the process can be automated or not. After that, the complexity of the process is analyzed along with the benefits.
  • Solution Design Phase – The solution or the steps to automate a task is designed in this phase.  Apart from the basic requirements, a few other requirements for the project such as Budget, Time to be spent, the number of people working on the project are decided. Then an Object Model Diagram or a Flowchart is created to understand the flow of the process.
  • Development Phase – The Development Phase is the phase wherein the Automation Developer creates Automation Scripts in the chosen RPA Tool. Depending on the task to be automated or the kind of automation required, there may or may not be coding required.
  • UAT(User Acceptance Tests) – In this phase of the RPA lifecycle, the developed bot is tested either by the Testing team or the Development team itself. The bot is tested in the pre-production environment to test how the users can use this bot to automate a specific task.
  • Deployment & Maintenance Phase – After developing and testing a bot, the bot is deployed into the production environment. 
  • Execute Bots – In this stage, the bots are executed and thereafter checked to generate meaningful results.

Q-4) What are the different things that can be automated using RPA?

Ans: Things that can be automated using RPA are:

  • Repeatable daily work in the system.
  • Data capture from applications and data manipulation work.
  • Generate Reports.
  • Collecting the information from different forms.
  • Data entry works.
  • Email Sending.

Now Lets discuss about UIPath Interview questions:

Q-5) What is UiPath?

 Ans: UI Path is one of the best RPA tools available in the market. It is a software solution that allows automating repetitive office tasks. It converts tedious tasks into an automation process that can work with multiple tools.

Q-6) Explain different products of UiPath

Ans: Products available in UiPath are:

  • UiPath Studio: UiPath Studio is a tool that can model an organization’s business processes in a visual way with the help of different diagrams. Each diagram represents a specific type of work to perform. It provides both simple and complex solutions for application integration and automating third-party applications, administrative IT tasks, and business IT processes.
  • UiPath Orchestrator: UiPath Orchestrator is a centralized web-based application for all robots, it helps to deploy, monitor, schedule, and manage robots & processes.
  • UiPath Robot:  Robots can pick these process and run without human direction in any environment. It can also work when human triggers the process.

Q-7) Is it possible to create a variable without the activity of the designer panel?

Ans: No

Q-8) What is the need for UiPath in RPA?

Ans: There is a need for UiPath in RPA because:

  • It helps in process modeling
  • It makes it possible to execute a remote procedure.
  • Deploy management becomes very easy.

Q-9) If the field value is changing for each transaction then how we can retrieve it?

Ans: By finding a static element and then using Scrape Relative functionality to extract the value.

Q-10) What are the components available in UiPath?

Ans: Various Components available in UiPath are:

  • UiPath Studio
  • Robot
  • UiPath Orchestrator

Q-11) Explain different types of workflows in UiPath

Ans: Various kinds of workflows in UiPath are:

  • Sequences: The sequence is a small type of Project. They are suitable for linear processes as It enables developers to switch from one activity to another easily.
  • State Machine: It is a type of automation that uses a specific number of states in execution used for automation. It will switch from one state to another.
  • Flowchart: we can use it for large or small projects that help in building complex business.

Q-12) What are the features of RPA?

Ans: The features of RPA are:

  • Accuracy: It works with accuracy and uniformity. Thus, RPA helps to reduce errors. They do exactly as they are told and hence are more accurate.
  • No or Less Coding required: RPA tools do not require (Very minimal) any programming knowledge.
  • Easy to Implement:  There is no or very minimal coding required. We can use simple drag and drop feature to automate any process.
  • Consistent: All repetitive tasks are performed in the same consistent way.
  • Productivity rate: Task execution time is faster as compared to the standard approach.
  • Efficiency: It can work continuously without a break, with the same efficiency.
  • Cost Savings: it helps you to reduce manual workforce by automating almost all manual and repetitive tasks, and hence reduce costs.

Q-13) What is the primary difference between Process automation and test automation?

Ans: We can use Process automation to automate the process without any human intervention.

Test Automation is used for testing purposes while automating any application to check whether the case is pass or fail.

Q-14) What are the properties of UiPath?

Ans: Properties of UiPath are:

  • ContinueOnError
  • WaitForReady
  • DelayAfter
  • DelayBefore
  • Target
  • TimeoutMS

Q-15) What is branching in UiPath?

Ans: To connect activities using the branch in Flowchart.

Q-16) What is the use of Element that exists in UI Path?

Ans: To identify whether the UI element is present or not during the execution.

Q-17) Explain types of Wildcards in UiPath

Ans: There are two types of Wildcards in UiPath:

  • Question mark (?): It replaces a single character.
  • Asterisk (*): It replaces zero or more characters.

Q-18) What is the use of Break Activity?

Ans: The Break activity enables you to stop the loop at a chosen point and then continue with the next activity.

Q-19) What are the features of UiPath?

Ans: Features of UiPath are:

  • Hosting options: To host in cloud environments or virtual terminals.
  • Application compatibility: It enables users to work with a wide range of applications.
  • Centralized repository: This feature helps for handling all the robots simultaneously by users.
  • Security: Offers auto-login features to run the bots.
  • Advanced screen scraping solution: UiPath can work with applications like .Net, Java, Flash, PDF, Legacy, SAP, with accuracy.
  • Level of scalability and robustness: Effective debugging and exception handling mechanisms. Artificial intelligence handling day to day applications like outlooks Excel, PDF.

Q-20) List out popular tools for RPA

Ans: Various tools used for RPA:

  • Open span
  • UiPath
  • Blue Prism
  • BlackLine
  • NICE Actimize
  • Automation Anywhere

Q-21) What is the difference between UiPath and Automation Anywhere?

Ans: The difference between UiPath and Automation anywhere is:

UiPathAutomation anywhere
It follows the web-based architectureThe architecture includes client and server
Supports browser and mobile app.Supports access through the app only.
Scalability is recommended for small projects only.Highly scalable for small and medium projects.

Q-22) What is the difference between thick and thin clients? **one of frequently asked UIPath interview questions

Thick clientThin client
It is an application that we cannot get the quality properties while spying using any RPA tool.It is an application that we cannot get the quality properties while spying using any RPA tool
Example: Calculator, Internet ExplorerExample: Any virtual environment

Q-23) What is the use of Computer Vision activity? **one of frequently asked UIPath interview questions

Ans:  As virtual desktop infrastructure environment automation is a complex task, the main use of Computer AI Vision activity is directly identifying the streamed images.

Q-24) What are data types and variables in UiPath? **one of frequently asked UIPath interview questions


Data types in UI Path help us to store data in different forms. UiPath supports various data types like text, time, date number, and universal value.

Variables: to store the data, and to change the value of a variable.

Q-25) What is the State of a machine?

Ans: Different states in which a machine needs to undergo while executing a single task are called a state of the machine. In case if the action is triggered, it can switch into different states.

Q-26) List various types of recordings available in UiPath **one of frequently asked UIPath interview questions

Ans: Different types of recordings in UiPath are:

  • Basic
  • Desktop
  • WEB
  • Citrix
  • Image.

Q-27) What is the assigned activity in UiPath?

Ans: To assign the values to variables.

Q-28) What are sequence activities in UiPath?

Ans: The sequence is a small type of Project that clears the path from switching from one activity to another. It works as a single activity block. Developers can reuse these blocks multiple times.

Q-29) What is the major difference between UiPath and Selenium?

Ans: The major difference between UiPath and Selenium is that UI Path is one of the RPA software that automates the software process.

On the other hand,  we can use Selenium to test web applications.

Q-30)  How can we identify a Column in a database in UiPath Studio? **one of frequently asked UIPath interview questions

Ans: We can identify a Column by:

  • Using a Column Index
  • Using a Column Name

Q-31) What is a generic variable in UiPath?

Ans: A generic variable is a special variable that can be used to store any kind of data type like text, int, dates format, arrays, etc.

Q-32) Mention the steps to create a project and execute in UiPath studio?

Ans: Steps for creating the Project are:

  • First Click start in UiPath studio software.
  • Select the project type.
  • In the new tab, enter the name of the project, location, and description of project and then click on create button.
  • Then drag and drop the activities into the design window.
  • And finally you can select RUN or press F5 button.

Q-33) What is the difference between Basic and desktop recording? **one of frequently asked UIPath interview questions

Desktop RecordingBasic Recording
Generates only partial selectors.Each activity of the basic recorder generates a full selector.
Desktop Recorder can generate a container for each activity.A basic recorder cannot generate a container for every activity.
It is suitable for more than oneSuitable for a single activity.
activity It is faster than the basic recorder.It is slower than the desktop recorder.

Q-34) List out various types of OCR engines available in the market

Ans: Types of OCR engines are:

  • Google OCR
  • Google cloud OCR
  • Microsoft OCR
  • Microsoft Cloud OCR
  • Abbyy Cloud OCR.

Q-35) What are the contentions in UiPath?

Ans: Contention in UiPath enables developers to make a contention for the project improvement.

Q-36) Explain the Package manager.

Ans: A package manager in UiPath is a bundle of different elements that allows automating the process. A package manager includes things like framework, wrappers, and various libraries.

Q-37) Explain the Delay activity

Ans: Delay activity is used to pause the automation for some time. It can be used if the application is starting or some information is getting processed.

Q-38) What is automatic recording in UiPath?

Ans: In UiPath, there is a facility that helps the developer to record action automatically. Programmers can easily customize and parameterize it.

Q-39)  What is tracing and how do you enable tracing in UiPath? **one of frequently asked UIPath interview questions

Ans: By default, UiPath generates log files that track the activity of UI Path Studio and the Robots. These logs can be accessed from the Execute ribbon tab, by clicking the Open Logs button.
For complex issues, more details about your automation are needed. To gather them, tracing must be enabled.
In UiPath Studio, tracing generates a .etl file. It contains binary log data at the trace level, such as disk accesses or page faults, and is used to log high-frequency events while tracking the performance of an operating system.

Q-40) What are the various error-handling activities available in UiPath?

Ans: Error catching activities in UiPath are:

  • Terminate workflow
  • Try Catch
  • Throw
  • Catch

Q-41) What is the difference between data scraping and screen scraping?

Ans: The difference between data scraping and screen scraping is:

Data ScrapingScreen Scraping
Data scraping extracts structural data.Screens scraping extracts non-structural data.
It stores scraped information in a data table.It stores scraped information in a string.
efficiently extracts data into Excel or DB.Cannot easily extract data into Excel or DB.
Cannot collect data from images or PDFs.It can collect data from images and PDFs.

Q-42) What are the different email protocols available in UiPath?

Ans: Email protocols available in UiPath are:

  • GET
  • IMAP
  • POP3
  • Outlook

Q-43) Mention the tools needed to read and send mail

Ans: Tools required to read and send mail are:

  • Microsoft Outlook
  • IBM Notes
  • Gmail
  • Microsoft Exchange

Q-44) How we can filter emails in UiPath?

Ans: There are mainly two methods of email filtering:

  • By filtering email using if condition in for each loop.
  • By providing filter conditions in the “Get outlook” filter option.

Q-45) What is Email Automation?

Ans: Email automation includes steps like email sending, email receiving, email attaching, and downloading it etc.  All these steps can be achieved in UI Path.

Q-46) How does the ‘Do-While’ Activity work in UiPath?

Ans: Do while activity enables developers to execute the particular part of automation when the condition is true. However, the do-while loop verifies the condition after the execution of the statement in the loop.

It is used for stepping through the Element, which is present in the array. Do while activity also helps in executing particular activity multiple times.

Q-47) Explain project debugging concept in UiPath

Ans: Debugging concept is used for finding and showing the error for a specific project. It has both breakpoints and logging. Debugging also helps you to gather information about your project and highlight the error step by step.

Q-48) What is the meaning of publishing an automation project?

Ans: Publishing of the automation package means archiving it. The related files are present in a specific folder for sending it to a robot and executing it.

Q-49) Explain the hardware infrastructure needed to run the Blue Prism Robotic Automation Platform

Ans: Programmers can develop software using a back-office or front office process. It can run on any desktop machine.

Q-50) What is the difference between  RPA and test automation?

Ans: The difference between test automation and RPA is:

Test automationRPA
It is used to reduce test execution time.RPA is used to reduce headcount using automation.
It automates repetitive test cases.It reduces headcount through automation.
Coding knowledge required to create Test ScriptsWizard-driven and coding knowledge is not required.
It can automate a product.It can automate a product as well as a service.
Limited to technical users.It can be used across the board by all stakeholders.

Q-51) What is the session variable in UI Path? **one of frequently asked UIPath interview questions

Ans: The session variable in UiPath is a reference to one process of the instance. In case if the process continuous more than one process at the same time, it may have the same session variables but with changed values.

Q-52) What is the UiPath append range?

Ans: Append range enables the development team to add or update data in their existing workbook. They can use it to enter the data from the workbook. If we append the data, it will not overwrite the current data.

Q-53) How to create Variable in UiPath

Ans: There are three ways to create a variable in UiPath:

  • Applying the variable tab available in the control bar.
  • Using the output column and properties window.
  • Selecting Create variable option available in the ribbon tab.

Q-54) How does switch activity works in UI Path?

Ans: It is used to accept objects depending on the defined character’s values. It uses the integral argument that can be changed by going to the properties panel and selecting the expected argument type.

Q-55) How does while activity works in UI Path?

Ans: While activity helps in preparing an activity when a status is valid.

Q-56) How does for Each Activity works in UI Path?

Ans: For each activity helps in providing the step using data tables, arrays, lists, and other collections. It enables the programmer to repeat the data and process the information individually.

Q-57) What is the main difference between data scraping and screen scrapping?

Ans: Screen scraping is a method to extract structured data from the UI element. Data scraping is a method to extract the structured data from any document or web and save it into spreadsheets or databases.

Q-58) What is an Array in UI Path?

Ans: The array is a type of variable that allows developers to store multiple values of the same data type.

UiPath supports different types of arrays like numbers, strings, Boolean, and more.

Q-59) How to automate database?

Ans: UiPath developers can automate the database by installing Uipath.database package from the managed package. We need to provide all the details of the database in activity properties.

Q-60)  Which activities can be used to iterate through an array in UiPath?

Ans: Following are the activities that can be used to iterate through an array

  • For each Activity
  • While Activity

Q-61) What are the different types of decision activities available in UiPath?

Ans: Different types of decision activities available in UiPath are

  • If Activity
  • Switch Activity
  • Flow Decision
  • Switch Decision.

Q-62) What are the limitations of UiPath Community Edition

Ans: Limitations of UiPath Community Edition are:

  • There is a no Orchestrator server in UI Path community edition.
  • Libraries of nugget package managers get deleted every time, and tools also ask for the activation.

Q-63) What are the different types of robots that can be configured in Orchestrator?


  • Standard robot: It is a machine which is dedicated on a single standard machine.
  • Floating robot: It can use multiple machines like it can work on any standard or template.

Q-64) What is a custom activity?

Ans: Custom activity is a reusable component that can be built specifically to project or client requirements.

Q-65) What are reusable components in UiPath?

Ans: Reusable components are defined as any workflow that is reused at different places in the UiPath project.

Q-66)  If scrape text contains only digits, how can we make the scrape better?

Ans: By using “Numbers Option” only option in Google OCR

Q-67) How to automate excel macro using UiPath?

Ans: excel macro automation in UiPath is performed using execute macro activity installed from manage package window.

Q-68) Explain try and catch activity

Ans: Try catch activity is used to handle any exception. The group of activities that may expect failure are placed inside a try block. Activities to perform after an exception occurs are placed inside a catch block.

Q-69) What is an exception?

Ans: An exception is nothing but an error that happens at the time of execution of a program.

Below are the main four options offered by error handling activity

  • Terminate  
  • Throw
  • Rethrow
  • Try and catch.

Q-70) What is the primary difference between Step into and Step Over in UiPath?

Ans: The basic difference is: ‘Step into’ can be used for running step by step programs, whereas ‘step over’ is used for fast execution.

Q-71) What is the primary difference between the Attended & Unattended bot?

Ans: Attended bot works on workstation similar to a human. It is triggered by the user through their events or actions.

Unattended robots work in neglected in virtual environments. It can automate any number of processes.

Q-72) What is an outline panel?

Ans: The Outline panel shows the project hierarchy variables and all nodes.

Q-73) What is UiPath Explorer

Ans: UI Explorer is a tool that is used to create a custom selector for a UI element. It is used only if the UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities package is installed in the Project.

Q-74) What is Anchor base in UiPath?

Ans: An anchor base is a container that searches for a UI element using other UI elements. This tool can be used when any reliable selector is not present.

Q-75) What are the various sections available in UiPath?

Ans: Various sections available in UiPath are:

  • Projects Panel,
  • Activity Panel,
  • Workflow Designer,
  • Properties Panel.

Q-76) What is an output panel?

Ans: It is a panel where we can view the result of execution.

Q-77) What is PDF automation?

Ans: It is nothing but the process of extracting all required information from PDF files.

Q-78) What are the types of Robots?

Ans: There are two types of Robots:

  • Attended
  • Unattended

Q-79) What are the types of input methods for click and type action? **one of frequently asked UIPath interview questions

Ans: Types of input methods for click and type action are:

  • Default method
  • Send windows message
  • Simulate type/key

Q-80) What is an Orchestration job?

Ans It is a job that orchestrates the execution of other Jobs.

Q-81) What is a credential manager?

Ans: It is used for creating, making, as well as deleting the credential using dedicated activities.

Q-82) What is the main difference between Excel and Workbook activity?

Ans: The main difference between Excel and Workbook activity is that in the Excel application, the user cannot access the password-protected popups for entering credentials. On the other hand, workbook activity makes it is possible.

Q-83) What is the difference between while and do while activity?

Ans: The difference between while and do-while is that the while loop checks condition before the iterating loop. The do-while loop verifies the condition after the execution of the statement in the loop.

Q-84) What are the differences between Stimulate and Send window messages?

Ans: There are three types of input methods for click and type actions.

  1. Simulate Type/Click
    • UI Path generally recommend the Simulate Type/Click method as it is the fastest of the three.
    • Works in the background.
    • We can not send special keyboard shortcuts.
    • Works by using the technology of the target application.
  2. Send window Message.
    • It is slower than Stimulate Type /Click method.
    • Works in background.
    • We can send special keyboard shortcuts.
    • Works by sending a specific message directly to the target application.
  3. Default
    • Slowest of three methods.
    • Does not work in backgroud.
    • It simulates a click or type with the help of the hardware driver .
Capability MethodBackground ExecutionSpeedHotkey SupportAuto Empty Field
Simulate Type/ClickYes100%NoYes

Q-85) What is a selector in UiPath?


A selector is a string of characters that identifies a particular UI element on a screen, allowing the robot to interact with that element.

Q-86) What is the difference between a variable and an argument in UiPath?


A variable is a container for storing data, while an argument is a value that is passed between different parts of a workflow. Arguments are typically used to pass data between workflows, while variables are used to store data within a workflow.

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