In this article of UIPath tutorial, we will be discussing about UIPath, UIPath’s main components, and how to install UIPath.
Let’s start our UIPath tutorial with basic UIPath history. UiPath was founded by a Romanian entrepreneur, Daniel Dines, and Marius Tirca in the year 2005. It is one of the most popular RPA tools which provides end-to-end high-scale automation for the industry to convert most repetitive and boring tasks into Automation processes.
RPA is nothing but Robotic Process Automation. There are various automation tools such as Blue Prism, Pega Open Span, etc. However, they all build as per industry standard still UiPath has its unique feature as follows:
UIPath Features:
1. Desktop Automation is a unique feature of UiPath.
2. Data Handling processes and techniques are more scalable than other automation tools.
3. Scraping data from web pages and applications is easier with UiPath Screen Scraping.
4. Drag and Drop workflow- UiPath users easily develops visual process by Dragging and dropping activities onto the graphical workspace.
5. High Security and Robustness-UiPath offers high-security auto-login functionality to run the bots and operates with a locked screen, allowing automated processes to run in complete privacy.
UiPath Components: UiPath Studio, UiPath Robot, UiPath Orchestrator.
UiPath Studio:
UiPath Studio allows users to plan and design automation processes through the various diagram, by dragging and dropping the functionality. This diagram is nothing but a structural reflection of a specific task that is to be completed.
UiPath Robot:
The UiPath robots or bots are used to execute the automated steps or activities as specified. Once you are done with the designing of processes in the studio, you need to execute the processes built-in Studio. Robots will pick those steps and run without human direction in any environment.
UiPath Orchestrator:
The Orchestrator is a web-based application in UiPath. It has features for deploying, monitoring, scheduling, and controlling automated bots and processes. It’s a centralized forum for managing and maintaining all software bots.
Till now in this article of UIPath tutorial, we have discussed about UIPath history, UIPath main components, and UIPath features and now let’s see how we can install this tool to start the development.
How to install UiPath:
Step 1: Enter this URL in your browser: . Click on continue with Email.
Step 2: Enter all details Email and Password and Click on Continue with Email.
Step 3: It will show the email verification screen, and verify your email to continue.
Step 4: You will receive a mail as below, click on Verify Email.
Step 5: It will show that Email is verified.
Step 6: Enter the organization name and click on create organization button.
Step 7: After this, it will show the User account successfully created. Click on Next.
Step 8: It will navigate you and it will show the Download UiPath Studio button, Click on that.
Step 9: Download the UiPath studio and Install it. Open the UiPath Studio.
UiPath has a GUI which consists of multiple panels. It offers easier access to specific functionalities.
Following are the main components of UiPath Studio:
• The Ribbon
• The Activities Panel
• The Snippet Panel
• The Project Panel
In our article on the UIPath tutorial now let’s discuss these components in detail.
The Ribbon:
It consists of the following four tabs:
1. Start – It helps to create any new project or to open a previously created task. By default, all the projects are created in C:\Users\Username\Documents\UiPath.
2. Design – It offers all the options to create or launch any sequences, flowcharts, access wizards and, manage variables.
3. Debug –It will help in running or stopping any projects. Before starting the debug process, it will slow down steps and open logs.
The Activities Panel: The Activities panel allows quick access to all available activities that can be dragged to the current project.
The Snippets Panel: The Snippet panel allows you to reuse automation. A search box is also given to find items faster.
The Project Panel: The Project panel allows viewing the contents of the current project and opening the file location in a Windows Explorer.
In our next UIPath tutorial, We will be discussing about displaying messages, UIPath If loops, variables in UIPath, how to use substring function in UIPath, flowchart workflow, state machine workflow
You can also refer to our UIPath Interview questions which will help in your UIPath interview.