UIPath Tutorials

In our previous UIPath Tutorial, we have discussed UIPath components, its features, and how we can install UIPath.

UIPath Tutorials

Now in this UIPath tutorial, we will see the below topics.

Tutorial 1: My First Sequence workflow Project – Display welcome message.

Tutorial 2: Accept Input from a user.

Tutorial 3: Use If condition and variables in the process.

Tutorial 4: Variables introduction (String) & Use of Substring function.

Tutorial 5: Variables introduction (Integer)

Tutorial 6: Variables introduction (Boolean)

Tutorial 7: Introduction to flowchart workflow

Tutorial 8: Introduction to State Machine

Tutorial 1:

Display “Hi welcome to my first Project”

Step 1: Create a new blank process

     Add Process Name and Description.

UIPath Tutorial

Step 2: On Design Tab ->In Main.xaml: Add workflow type

  • Sequence Chart-Used for the action which need to perform one after other.
  • Flow chart –Used to create complex business process as it allows us to do multiple branching of logical operators.
  • State machine
  • Global handler

Step 3: On Activity: add message box, click, read excel , send email etc.

Select Sequence -> Select Message Box-> add message “Hi welcome to my first project”

Step 4: Debug-> Run File: see the result.

UIPath Tutorial
UIPath Tutorial

Tutorial 2:

Display “Hi Noah Welcome to my first Project”

  1. Continue with the first tutorial: add activity –Input Dialog

-Add Input Label and Dialog Title.

UiPath Tutorial
UiPath Tutorial
  • Create Variable ‘Name’ and Variable Type as String.
  • Use that Variable in Message Box, as below

   “Hi, “+ Name +” welcome to my first project”

UiPath Tutorial
  • Input Dialog ->Propertise ->Output->add variable ‘Name’
UiPath Tutorial
  • Debug->Run File

Tutorial 3:

Variable-Year (e.g. 2021,2022 etc.)

Condition: Check if the year is Leap year or not

If the Year is leap year (Condition is True)-Display Message-“The year is leap year”.

If the Year is not leap year (Condition is False)-Display Message-“The year is leap year”.

Steps 1:

Create New Blank Process.

On Design tab: Click On Main.xaml .

On Activity /tab: Select Sequence Workflow.

Steps 2:

Create Variable ‘Year’ select Variable Type and Default value.

Step 3: Add Input Dialog box ->add Dialog Title as “Enter the year“and  Input Label as “Year Value”.

Add If Activity :

Step 4: Add If Condition for leap year

Year Mod 4=0  

Step 5: Add message box activity for then and else condition. Add Text as below

Step 6:Debug File->Run File

Enter Year Value as 2020 (Leap Year)

 Step 7 :Debug File->Run File

Enter Year Value as 2021(Not Leap Year)

Tutorial 4: Text/String Variable- Substring variable project

  • Take User Name as User Input –Input Dialog
  • Display the first three letters of the user name in Message Box
  • Display User name in message box – Message Box
  • “The user name is  “ + Username

Steps to follow:

-Create New Processes->On Design tab->On Main.xaml->Add Sequence workflow->add Activity Input Dialog box

-Enter Dialog title and Input Label

-Create two String Variables- UserName and NewName for substring

-Add Assign activity -for display the three letters of the user name

Index-0 and length=3 assign the Index and length value  in Substring

         NewName = Username.substring(0,3)

-Add Message Box Activity

         “The First three letters of Usename is ” +NewName

-Add Message Box Activity

            “The Username is ”  + UserName

Tutorial 5: Number Variable/Integer Variable/Int32 Variable –Used to store Numeric Information

Display User –John and display total marks

-Create 3 Variable for Subject like MarksInMath, MarksInEng, MarksInSS and TotalMarks

-Create 1 variable for Student Name like StudName

-Take User input for marks obtained in Math and assign the value to Variable –MarksInMath

-Take User input for marks obtained in English and assign the value to Variable – MarksInEng

-Take User input for marks obtained in Social Science and assign the value to Variable – MarksInSS

-Add Total Marks and Assign to New Variable to variable -TotalMarks

TotalMarks= MarksInMath+MarksInEng+MarksInSS

-Display Total Marks in Message Box.

StudName + ” total marks is = ”  + TotalMarks.ToString

Note: Add Variable as Output Result for each Input dialog box Properties

Tutorial 6: Boolean Variable – True/False

Variable-Year (e.g. 2021, 2022 etc.) , BooleanVar – Boolean Variable  

Condition: Check if the year is Leap year or not

If the Year is leap year (Condition is True)-Display Message-“The year is leap year”.

If the Year is not leap year (Condition is False)-Display Message-“The year is leap year”.

Steps 1:

Create New Blank Process.

On Design tab: Click On Main.xaml .

On Activity /tab: Select Sequence Workflow.

Steps 2:

Create Variable ‘Year’ select Variable Type as Int32 and ‘BooleanVar’ asBoolean variable.

Step 3: Add Input Dialog box ->add Dialog Title as “Enter the year“  and Input Label as “Year Value”

Step 4: Add If Condition for leap year

Year Mod 4=0 

Step 5: If the condition is True then:

  • Assign Activity -> Add


  • Add Message Box Activity and to Display message for e.g  “True Year 2020 is leap year”

Add message as below:

BooleanVar.ToString  + ” Year ”  +  Year.ToString  +  ” is a leap year”

Note: In message box only String values can be display here we have to display Boolean and Integer variable so have to use convert to string function.

Step 6: : If the condition is False then:

Add Message Box Activity and to Display message for e.g  “True Year 2021 is not  leap year”

Add message as below:

BooleanVar.ToString  + ” Year  ” + Year.ToString +”  is not leap year”

Tutorial 7: Flowchart workflow

Compare two numbers:

  1. Add flowchart workflow type.
  2. Create two number variables –RandomNumber, GuessNumber- Number Variables
  3. Generate random number using the random() function –new random().Next(1,10) and assign to RandomVariable
  4. Take user Input from number  from 1 to 10 and assign it to GuessNumber  variable –Input dialog

Note: Add Variable as Output Result for each Input dialog box Properties

5. Condition->Compare RandomNumber,GuessNumber


6. Take Decision according to the condition

If the condition is true (GuessNumber>=Randomnumber) then display a message

-“Your guessed number is equal to or greater than Random Number”.

7. If condition is False (GuessNumber<Randomnumber) then display message

-“Your guessed number is equal to or smaller than Random Number”.

8. And to display e.g. ‘Random Number is 8 and Guess Number is 6’. Add below message in message box.

“Random Number is  ”  + RandomNumber.ToString +  “and Guess Number is ” + GuessNumber.ToString

If a condition is true (GuessNumber>=Randomnumber) then display message

-“Your guessed number is equal to or greater than Random Number”.

And to display e.g  ‘Random Number is 8 and Guess Number is 6’. Add below message in the message box.

“Random Number is  ”  + RandomNumber.ToString +  “and Guess Number is ” + GuessNumber.ToString

If condition is False (GuessNumber<Randomnumber) then display message

-“Your guessed number is equal to or smaller than Random Number”.

Debug File->Run File: Enter Guess Number=8

Debug File->Run File: Enter Guess Number=3

State Machine workflow:

A state machine is a type of automation that uses a finite number of states in its execution. It can go into a state when it is triggered by an activity, and it exits that state when another activity is triggered.

Two activities – State and Final State .Both of these activities can be expanded by double-clicking them, to view more information and edit them.

State activity: conatins Entry, Exit and Transition. The Entry and Exit sections enable you to add entry and exit triggers for the selected state, while the Transition(s) section displays all the transitions linked to the selected state.

Transitions are expanded when you double-click them, just like the State activity. They contain three sections, TriggerCondition and Action, that enable you to add a trigger for the next state, or add a condition under which an activity or sequence is to be executed.

Final State: It only contains Entry.It specifies the action to occure when the state is transioned to.           

Tutorial 08: Guess any number between 1 to 10 and find Guess Number is equal to random number.

For this need to verify the below possible state:

Guess Number >Random Number –               Retry

Guess Number <Random Number –               Retry

Guess Number =Random Number –               Final


1. Create a blank Process –state machine workflow demo

2. On design tab-Main.xaml- double click on that and select state machine workflow-double click on it.

3. Select state activity to generate the random number. Double-click the activity. This State activity is displayed expanded in the Designer panel.

4. Create two variable RandomNumber and GuessNumebr.

5. Assign activity in entry

     RandomNumber= new Random().Next(1, 10)

6. Add message box activity in Exit criteria “Random number is generated”

7. Return to main state machine workflow and add another state activity, to enter Guess Number. Add Input dialog box add Dialog Title and Input label and store variable as output result of Input Dialog box properties.

8. Return to the main project view and create a transition that points from the Guess Number state to itself.(Display Name ->Trysmaller).

         Add condition Guessnumber > RandomNumber

        Add message box in Action “”Guess Number is greater than Random Number try for smaller number””.

  • Return to Main project view and create a one more transition that points from the Guess Number state to itself.(Display Name ->Trygreater).

         Add condition Guessnumber <RandomNumber

        Add message box in Action “”Guess Number is smaller than Random Number try for greater number””.

  1. Return to Main project view and add Final State (Display Name->Correct Number).

In transition add condition RandomNumber=GuessNumber.

  1. Return to Main project view and connect a transition from the Guess Number activity to the Final State.

Add message box and display message “Congratulation you guessed the correct number”.

Add one more message box to display random number “The Random Number is ” + RandomNumber.ToString”.

  1. The Final Project will look as following screenshot.
  1. 13. Run File.

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